God Sends - We Go

Going forth to glorify God by the lives we live

God Sends - We Go Map

Click the numbers on the image above to learn more about how we go forth to glorify God.


We receive Jesus and then we are ready to go and take the life of Jesus with us into our school, amongst our friends and with our families

There are two key moments in this part of the Mass. The following names these moments and provides a brief explanation of each.

Final Blessing

The Mass ends with a very brief rite. After greeting the people, the Priest blesses them. There are three forms for the blessing:

  1. A simple blessing – the priest blesses the assembled community in the name of the Father, son and Holy Spirit.
  2. A solemn blessing – the people are invited to bow their heads while the priest prays three solemn invocations which vary according to the feast or season. After each invocation, the people answer Amen! The priest then gives a simple blessing.
  3. Prayer over the People – the priest prays a prayer over the whole community to which the people answer Amen! He then gives a simple blessing.

The Mass ends as it began, with the Sign of the Cross.


We are then sent forth to continue our work for the Lord. The Priest or Deacon says the following:

Go forth, the Mass is ended.
Or: Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord.
Or: Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.
Or: Go in peace.

We respond with thanksgiving by saying, Thanks be to God, which is what the word ‘Eucharist’ is all about.

Before leaving the sanctuary, the Priest bows to kiss the altar as a sign of respect for it as the symbol of Christ in our midst. As he processes out of the church with the other ministers, we sing a hymn focusing on our mission to live as the Body of Christ in the world.

For Reflection and Discussion


Gather and record information about different ways we conclude a non-religious school community gathering or event.


View or review the Concluding Rites of a celebration of Eucharist. Brainstorm and discuss the purpose of the Concluding Rites.


Compare the content, format, responses and ritualistic actions of the Introductory and Concluding Rites.

Further Resources